Country: Zimbabwe
Thanks to your donations, we have made many accomplishments this summer. In Zimbabwe, Equally Able gave 86 specially modified wheelchairs to those in need! As we continued to work in Zimbabwe we noticed four distinct disabilities:
Cerebral Palsy:
a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination (spastic paralysis) and/or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth.
Spina bifida:
a congenital defect of the spine in which part of the spinal cord and its meninges are exposed through a gap in the backbone. It often causes paralysis of the lower limbs, and sometimes a mental handicap.
abnormal smallness of the head, a congenital condition associated with incomplete brain development.
Traumatic brain injury:
is a nondegenerative, noncongenital insult to the brain from an external mechanical force, possibly leading to permanent or temporary impairment of cognitive, physical, and psychosocial functions, with an associated diminished or altered state of consciousness.
34-year-old Mathamsanqa is one of the many beneficiaries from our wheelchair program. She lives in Zimbabwe with her husband and three beautiful children. Mathamsanqa is not only a mother and wife but also a fierce small business owner.
“I am self-employed undertaking different projects.”
Unfortunately, Mathamsanqa contracted a disease called thrombosis and was forced to amputate both of her legs in 2014. She was forced to rely on her family and friends to move to parts of her house and help with the chores. Mathamsanqa had changed from a strong businesswoman to a dependent woman forced to endure a painful old wheelchair with limited mobility; that is until we stepped in…
“This is my second wheelchair; the first one was given to me already old by my mother’s employer. The wheelchair was very uncomfortable, but it was all I had for mobility and difficult to maneuver within the house and most of my movable assets had either to be sold or moved to create more room. It was very uncomfortable for my family. The moment I sat on my new chair I felt a huge difference from the old one. The chair is comfortable and user-friendly. I am very independent now. I can wheel myself and do my house chores. I plan and work alone mostly. I am happy with my chair because I am no longer a dependant on others.”
EquallyAble is dedicated to helping and empowering not only children but adults of all ages. We are dedicated to creating new and effective ways for accessibility to local schools and universities. Quotes/Pics taken from our amazing partners at Motivation UK