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Digital Empowerment Foundation and EquallyAble Foundation to set up 500 small businesses to empower persons with disabilities

In commemoration of the disability employment month, EquallyAble Foundation and Digital Empowerment Foundation, India, has announced a major initiative to set up small businesses for 500 persons with disabilities in India. As part of this initiative, working together, these two organizations will enable them with digital infrastructure and tools to become entrepreneurs, earn an income and become part of the mainstream. This major undertaking, now in its third year, is part of a broader focus of both organizations towards empowering persons with disabilities and to make economic inclusion a reality. With the establishment of 500 small businesses for people with disabilities, the vision of EquallyAble’s GiveHope 1000 initiative will be accomplished. GiveHope 1000 was established for 1000 small businesses for people with disabilities in different parts of the world.

“We are excited to be a part of this effort and make a difference in the lives of persons with disabilities around different parts of India”, said Shaifali Chikermane, co-founder of Digital Empowerment Foundation. “Our constant endeavour is to take digital as a tool of empowerment to the most marginalised. With Give Hope 1000 we are expecting to make a significant digital dent in 2,000 villages across 18 states and also fight the digital divide in the post-Covid era.”, she added. “The Give Hope 1000 program aims to empower persons with disabilities across the world, especially from underprivileged backgrounds to gain confidence, adopt digital tools and become entrepreneurs. And along with that, they also take the responsibility of serving their communities.” said Mohammed Yousuf, Founder and President, EquallyAble Foundation. “This effort is not just about supporting 500 individuals with disabilities and supporting their families but also about providing them with a sense of pride and enabling them to take control of their own lives and future”, he added.

The 500 beneficiaries are expected to become entrepreneurs who will serve their communities using digital tools in India. Services like government entitlements, mobile banking, e-health, online education and access to basic information will be provided to the communities. Each entrepreneur is expected to serve at least 1,000 people from his or her community every year. This will mean 500,000 people will be served through this program every year.

They are also expected to earn between 7,000 – 25,000 Indian rupees or $100 – $400 US dollars per month. So along with serving the community, this program enables them with the required knowledge and tools to become independent and earn a living.

For further information, please contact:
Saurabh Srivastava, Digital Empowerment Foundation (email: saurabh@defindia.org), or
EquallyAble Foundation (email: info@equallyable.org)

EquallyAble Foundation

EquallyAble was founded in 2001, since then it has been empowering people with disabilities
globally through access to education, equipment, employment and inclusion. Over the years we have transformed the lives of thousands of individuals with disabilities around the world.
Details at https://equallyable.org

Digital Empowerment Foundation

DEF is registered as a not-for-profit organisation under the Indian Societies Registration
Act, 1860, to carry out this mission of empowering people digitally. DEF constantly acts in
the creation of information empowerment, equitable communities by providing digital
access to information, knowledge and contextual capacity. Details at https://defindia.org/

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Giving the Gift of Independence: Support and Help Disabled Individuals Achieve Their Goals
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Transforming Lives and Making Dreams Come True

EquallyAble GiveHope1000

$1,200 Raised: $5,000 Goal:

Support and Help Disabled Individuals Achieve Their Goals

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Donation Total: $100 One Time

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